Mike Strassman's Climbing Legacy

Here you'll find a collection of Mike's climbing routes, lifetime achievements, Film titles, Magazine articles, books, and links.

Mike on Cathedral Peak

Remembering Michael Strassman 1959-2007

Read the obituary written by climber and long time friend, Doug Robinson.


Posted Under: Mike's Poems & Writings
"Buried Corn under Mokavai Mesa A poem by Mike Strassman   The Indian agency sits like a rusted typewriter in a sunless desert. Beside it a sandstone face, carved by the wind, sun and flintlocks, ignores the brilliance and heat of his father. "My Mother" he mumbles, "no longer has her sun." It's just another worker for Standard Oil. "We are aware of traditions, but just can't do it." Feathers hang on a rearview mirror."

-Brother Dave
Los Angeles